Now its time to say Sayonara,
now its time to say Bonjour.
With heart full of evocations,
and mind full of fore thoughts,
Lets welcome a new chapter.

Some will say it was the best,
some will say it was depressed.
Some will say it was a happy- go- lucky,
some will say it was yucky.
Some may have reached nearer to their dreams,
some may have lost the path of their dreams.
Some may have made new relations,
some may have broken their associations.
Some will say they have bitter memories,
some will say they have glitter memories.
But the fact is, memories are undying,
memories are unchanging.
They are created by us,
so why tittle own creation as 'Bitter'?
Hurrah,,lets get cheerful,
and make this new year Blissful,
So that you won't say "It was wistful".
